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Children's Ministries


Our nursery is for infants and toddlers birth through three years of age.  We offer childcare in a secure facility staffed by caring, qualified nursery workers.  All our childcare workers receive a background check before working in our childcare department.  We believe that even our littlest ones can learn!  Regular learning experiences are planned and lessons are reinforced with songs, Bible principles, and supervised activities designed with the ability of the children in mind.  For security purposes, children and parents are given matching badges that are checked when leaving the facilities.  Private rooms are provided for nursing mothers.


West Gate operates separate nurseries to provide the best care for your child:

  • Infants/Crawlers (0-24 months)

  • Toddlers (2-3 years)


What to Bring

When packing a diaper bag for your child, please include the following items:

  • Two or three disposable diapers (no cloth diapers, please)

  • A complete change of clothes

  • Bottle of milk, formula, juice or water (even for those who nurse)

  • Snacks


Please label all personal items (including pacifiers and sippy cups) with your child’s first and last name before arriving.  This helps us keep track of your child’s items.


During our Sunday morning services, we provide exciting junior church program. Junior church time features singing, games, activities, and a lesson from the Bible. 

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Our Bus Ministry is a thriving and growing ministry! We have three buses that go into various areas of Tampa to pick up those who may not have any other way to get to church. Our dedicated workers provide an exciting program filled with songs, activities, and bible stories. Every week we have something different planned! For a child to ride the bus, we must obtain written permission from the parents. If you need a ride, contact us.

Adventure Club

Adventure Club is a nine-month program designed for today’s children from K4-6th grade. Your child is sure to love the exciting combinations of games, songs, and Bible lessons.

Adventure Club meets during the school semester Wednesday night at 7:00 pm in classrooms located in the main church building.

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